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Wicked Warrior Page 5

  “It’s been a long time,” Miles said when the final pixie was destroyed.

  When Owen heard that, he was shocked. “You guys know each other?”

  Miles and Asher nodded.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you had such cool friends?” asked Owen.

  “He’s not that cool,” Miles said, staring at Asher.

  “I thought we put all of that behind us. I’ve been slowly destroying the Corruption. See how much Purification Powder I’ve used?” Asher took out the remainder of his Purification Powder from his inventory and showed Miles.

  “Okay, I see you’ve proved that you’ve changed. And everybody deserves a second chance,” said Miles.

  “What happened?” Owen was curious.

  Miles replied, “It was nothing. It’s in the past and it’s going to stay there.” He introduced Asher, “This is Asher. He’s an old friend. And this is Owen, he’s my new friend.”

  Chapter 12:


  There was no time to go into Asher’s backstory, as four Gastropods spawned on the ground, and another unicorn charged at them.

  Asher said, “I know how we can get out of here.”

  Miles aimed at the unicorn and struck the side of the horned animal. Asher took another shot, delivering the fatal blow.

  “Just shoot at the Gastropods,” Asher screamed at them. “And follow me.”

  “Should we?” Owen asked Miles.

  “What, is he your boss? Do what you want,” shouted Asher.

  “We should follow him,” said Miles.

  They shot at the Gastropods as they made their escape from The Hallow.

  “When we get out of here, we’re summoning Skeletron Prime,” said Owen.

  Miles was annoyed that Owen revealed their plans. Asher might have sprayed Purification Powder throughout the world, saving Terraria from the Corruption, but he had a past. Asher had blown up Miles’s village. He held his tongue, however. Miles didn’t want to taint Owen’s image of Asher.

  “Skeletron Prime,” Asher said. “I’ve beat him. I know the best tricks.”

  “Really? What?” Owen sprinted next to Asher, listening carefully to every word that came out of Asher’s mouth.

  “Yes, I did it on my own. I’m not going to say it’s easy. It took me a few times, and the most annoying part was crafting that mechanical skull.”

  “We already have that,” said Owen.

  Miles wanted to shout at Owen that he was telling Asher too much, but he didn’t and he was boiling with rage.

  “We’re almost out of The Hallow, and since it’s night, we can spawn it when we leave,” Asher informed them.

  Miles didn’t like the way Asher immediately included himself in their battle with Skeletron Prime. Again, he didn’t say anything.

  “Miles, you’ve got to keep shooting the Gastropods or we’ll never get out of here. Also don’t stop looking for pixies, they come out of nowhere and they will slow you down,” Asher called out to Miles.

  “Thanks for the tips,” Miles’s comment was tinged with sarcasm, and Asher picked up on it.

  “I was only trying to help,” said Asher.

  “Are we almost out of The Hallow?” Owen wanted to summon Skeletron Prime, and he was getting antsy.

  “We should be, but it keeps growing, so I’m not sure,” said Asher, “but once we are, we’ll waste no time using that mechanical skull and summoning Skeletron Prime.”

  “Great,” Owen said without even looking back at Miles “This is going to be amazing. I’m going to battle Skeletron Prime with an expert. That’s priceless.”

  Miles felt invisible as he aimed his Megashark at the unicorn that leapt at him. He cried for help, but he was fairly certain they wouldn’t turn around and help him. Asher and Owen were far ahead of him, talking about Skeletron Prime. Miles angled the megashark at the unicorn, but he couldn’t hit the white muscular animal. He called out, “Help!”

  “Just fly fast!” Asher yelled. “We’re almost there!”

  Miles could see the end of The Hallow, and Owen screamed, “Not again!” Miles flew as fast as he could to escape the unicorn and find out what was going on. He was barely an inch away from the unicorn when he flew out of The Hallow.

  “Miles,” Asher said, “it’s a blood moon.”

  “I know. We just had one,” Miles said.

  “We can’t summon Skeletron Prime,” Owen remarked as he destroyed a corrupt bunny.

  Miles was still carrying the megashark and used it to destroy a blood zombie. Asher instructed, “You don’t want to use that on zombies. It’s a waste of ammunition.”

  Miles knew Asher was right, but it still annoyed him. It also bothered him that Owen clung to Asher’s every word, and treated him like a sage.

  “Wow, you remind me of my old guide, Kyle,” said Owen. “I really felt like he knew everything.”

  Miles destroyed four corrupt bunnies and a zombie bride, but Owen didn’t notice or ask him for any tips.

  What looked like a red fish with bulging eyes appeared in the sky, as Asher screamed, “Dripplers! Duck!”

  Owen put his head down and asked, “What next?”

  “They don’t move fast, so you can destroy them with a sword. You have a sword, right?” asked Asher.

  Owen took out his sword, lifting himself in the air with his jetpack and swung at the Drippler, destroying it “You’re right! I got one!” Owen exclaimed.

  Miles stood face to face with a zombie groom when he accidently dropped his megashark, leaving him defenseless. “Help!” Miles shouted, but nobody heard him.

  Chapter 13:


  Miles tried to pick up the megashark, as the zombie groom lunged at him. Standing behind the groom was his veiled bride, who advanced toward Miles. He called out for help as he leaned over to pick up his megashark, leaving him exposed and vulnerable to the married zombies. The zombie groom stood less than inch from him when Miles grabbed the megashark and aimed it at the couple, instantly destroying them.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to waste your megashark ammunition on zombies?” Asher called out.

  “Where were you when I needed help?” screamed Miles.

  “Sorry, I was helping Owen battle the Dripplers,” Asher replied.

  “He was,” Owen confirmed.

  “Aren’t you going to pick up the wedding veil and the top hat they dropped?” Asher walked over to the dropped items, and Miles grabbed them before he could pick them up.

  “Next time I’m outnumbered by zombies, can you guys help me?” asked Miles.

  “If I’m not in the middle of another battle,” replied Asher.

  Owen was about to say something, but paused as five blood zombies stomped toward them. Blood oozed from their bright red bodies and their bulging yellow eyes glared in their direction.

  “Blood zombies!” Owen cried.

  “We have this,” Asher said. “Just follow me.”

  Asher pulled throwing knives from his inventory and threw them at the blood zombies, piercing the skin of two of them. Asher wasn’t pleased with his results. “I think this is better suited for the job,” Asher said, pulling out a long spear. He swung it at the blood zombies, striking three of them. “Now that’s much better.”

  Owen followed Asher and used throwing knives to defeat the blood-dripping enemy. Miles used a sword to strike the zombies, destroying one after a few blows from his sword.

  “We destroyed them.” Asher looked over at Owen.

  “What is that spear? I’ve never seen it before,” asked Owen.

  “It’s a Vilethorn. I was lucky to get it when I destroyed a shadow orb in the Corruption. It’s magic,” explained Asher.

  “Wow,” marveled Owen. “What other weapons do you have?”

  “The key to battle is not about the weapons you have, but understanding how to use the weapons, and knowing which one is the best for that fight,” Asher said as he pointed toward the sky.“More Dripplers. Use yo
ur sword, Owen, and strike them.”

  Owen struck the Dripplers as they hovered above them. Miles stood by Owen, striking the red flying beasts with his sword. Every time Owen destroyed a Drippler, Asher cheered. As the sun came up. nobody seemed to notice Miles had destroyed two Dripplers on his own.

  “It’s a new day,” Owen said as they stood in the middle of the jungle. “It was so dark and I was so fixated on destroying the enemies that spawned during a blood moon, I never realized we were in the middle of the jungle.”

  “I wonder if there is a jungle temple around here,” Asher said.

  “Asher, if you’ve defeated Skeletron Prime, I bet you have the Buckets of Bolts achievement, don’t you?” asked Owen.

  “I didn’t want to brag,” Asher said, “but yes, I do,”

  “That’s my ultimate goal,” said Owen, “and if there’s no blood moon tonight, I am going to achieve that goal.”

  “We both are,” added Miles. “We’re partners.”

  Owen confirmed, “You’re going to fight Skeletron Prime, right Asher?”

  “I’ve defeated Skeletron Prime, and I told you, it’s very tricky. But I think my knowledge will be quite useful in battle. I will be there.”

  “Great, I think you’re going to be very helpful. I’m so glad I met you.” Owen smiled at Asher. “And after I defeat Skeletron Prime, I’m going to defeat Plantera and The Golem and --”

  “It sounds like we have the same goals,” Asher said, interrupting.“I want to defeat all of those enemies too. I want to be a great warrior.”

  “I thought you were selflessly spreading Purification Powder around Terraria to stop the growth of the Corruption,” remarked Miles.

  “I’m the ultimate multitasker; I can do both. I’ve defeated Skeletron Prime and stopped the Corruption from growing. Ask Isabella; she knows a large percentage of the Corruption has been shrinking, thanks to me. In fact she’s personally thanked me. People don’t have to stick to just one job. They can have multiple goals.”

  “I guess that’s true,” said Miles. “I’m just glad your goals don’t involve burning down innocent people’s homes anymore.”

  “Anymore?” questioned Owen. “What does that mean?”

  “It’s nothing,” Miles said. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “No worries,” Asher said, smiling. “I know I’ve done some bad things in my past, but I am making up for it now.“

  Owen asked, “Have you ever defeated Plantera? That’s my ultimate dream. I mean Buckets of Bolts is great, but once you defeat Plantera, you get a temple key.”

  Asher looked down as he spoke. “No, I haven’t. I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to destroy it.”

  “I’ll help you defeat it. Once we conquer Skeletron Prime tonight, there’s no stopping us, Asher,” Owen said, “I have the mechanical skull in my inventory, and we have the entire day to plan our strategy of attack.”

  Asher rattled off various attack plans and facts, “As you know Skeletron Prime has four limbs, and destroying the head will kill him, so you have to focus on the head.”

  “I thought there are five parts to Skeletron Prime,” said Miles.

  “There are. The head isn’t a limb. I just said four limbs and a head. Weren’t you listening?” Asher was annoyed.

  Miles added, “Doesn’t standing on a platform give us an advantage? Shouldn’t we build something?”

  “I thought I mentioned that already,” said Asher. “Owen, do you have wooden platforms in your inventory? We can hammer them to those stairs.” Asher pointed to stairs near an old abandoned village. “That old village is a great place to summon Skeletron Prime.We can construct platforms there, and also shield ourselves behind the rubble from the old homes.”

  The four homes clustered together had an eerie feel. “I wonder who used to live here,” remarked Owen.

  “I don’t know, I assume they found a new place to live,” said Asher as he stopped by the stairs. “Okay, let’s start building the platform here.”

  Owen and Asher grabbed supplies to construct a platform. Miles handed them a wooden platform, but Asher said, “Don’t worry, we have it covered.”

  “We make a great team, don’t we?” Owen looked over at Asher.

  Miles cringed as he heard Asher reply, “Yes, we do.”

  Chapter 14:


  The sky grew dark as Asher paced and reviewed the game plan. “We have to stay focused and take this battle seriously. We can’t slack, okay Miles?”

  Miles had no idea why Asher thought he was the weak link. “I don’t know why you’d think I’m going to slack during the battle, when I was very helpful battling The Destroyer and The Twins, right Owen?”

  “Yes, but we have to listen to Asher. He’s defeated Skeletron Prime. He’s an invaluable resource,” Owen replied and asked Asher to continue going over various strategies.

  “I know you guys have jetpacks. Use them,” said Asher.

  “What about wings?” asked Owen.

  “Everything is helpful. You can use wings, too. Also the Dao of Pow is extremely useful, do you have one?” asked Asher.

  “I do,” said Miles.

  “I don’t,” said Owen.

  “Hmm, maybe you should lend Owen your Dao of Pow,” suggested Asher.

  Owen stared at Miles as Miles responded, “But then what will I use?”

  “No time to go into any great details now.” Asher looked up at the dark sky. “There’s no blood moon. Let’s summon the beast. Owen, where’s the skull?”

  Owen carefully took the mechanical skull from his inventory and placed it on the ground. “Should I summon it now?” His voice shook.

  “Yes,” Asher replied.

  Standing on the platform, dressed in Palladium armor, Owen, Asher, and Miles crowded around the mechanical skull as Owen summoned the most potent of all three mechanical bosses.

  Miles shook as he stared at Skeletron Prime’s blinding red eyes and gaping tooth-filled mouth.

  “Miles, now is the time to use your megashark!” screamed Asher.

  Miles picked up his megashark as Asher hollered that he should aim for the head. Asher had already destroyed one of the four limbs that floated in the air.

  “You got the prime saw!” Owen called out.

  Miles jumped back from the clutching fist, also known as prime vice, one of the remaining three limbs. Each limb contained a different weapon. One shot lasers, and Miles tried to dodge a laser attack, but he was struck. His energy level was low, and he quickly sipped a potion to regain his strength.

  “Shield yourself,” Asher called out to Miles.

  Asher and Owen stood side by side as they aimed at Skeletron Prime’s head, and Asher warned Owen every time he was too close to a limb. “We’re going to do this, buddy. Just keep aiming at the head.”

  Miles couldn’t aim at the head, as he was cornered by prime vice.The fist clutched toward him, and he used his jetpack to fly from the menacing hand. The minute he flew into the sky, the limb with the lasers shot at him, hitting his foot. Miles grabbed another potion. As he took a sip, he wondered if he’d lose this battle, while Owen and Asher would come back to town as heroes.

  “Why aren’t you using the megashark?” Miles could hear Asher shout, but he was soaring high in the sky, and getting too close to Skeletron Prime’s limbs.

  “Lower yourself,” Owen screamed.

  Miles heard Asher say, “Owen, let’s not worry about him. He’s going to make us lose this battle.”

  Skeletron Prime’s head began to spin and grow spikes as it headed in Miles’s direction. “Help!” Miles shrieked.

  Chapter 15:


  Miles was struck by a fireball from prime cannon. “Ouch!” he cried, grabbing his arm as he raced from the spinning head. His jetpack was losing steam and he couldn’t fly any higher. Miles lowered himself close to the platform, where Owen and Asher were slowly weakening Skeletron Prim
e’s spinning head. As he reached the wooden platform, prime vice charged at him, clutching onto one of his legs. He couldn’t break away from prime vice’s grip. He wiggled and shot prime vice with the megashark, but it was impossible to escape; he was trapped.

  Owen aimed his megashark and struck prime vice, but Asher told him to focus on the head. Owen didn’t listen. Instead, he flew toward Miles, annihilating prime vice and saving his friend.

  Owen flew back to Asher, as Miles regained his strength and navigated the jetpack toward the head. He wanted to destroy the head so Asher would see he was a skilled fighter. He would be the first to admit that he was having issues in this battle, but he wanted to conquer Skeletron and obliterating the head was the best way to do it.

  Prime laser shot a death laser at Miles. He flew from its rays, but wasn’t fast enough. The laser landed on his chest, inflicting damage. Miles grabbed a potion of healing, gasping when he realized this was the last potion in his inventory. He sipped the potion and continued to fly in the direction of Skeletron Prime’s spinning head.

  Prime cannon flew in his direction and he circled around the arm, avoiding its fireball. Miles was learning how to avoid attacks from the various limbs, but he also knew that attacking the head was a bold mission. If he didn’t destroy Skeletron Prime’s head, he would be the one that was destroyed. He had no potions to help him recover. He had to destroy the spinning head fast. Miles used his jetpack to fly close to the head.

  As he approached the spinning skeleton head with large red eyes, he could hear Owen cry out, “Stop! That’s not a good idea!”

  “Are you crazy? Don’t get too close. It’s spinning!” Asher called from the safety of the platform.

  “I’m going to destroy it,” Miles said as he blasted the head with his megashark, but the head still spun toward Miles, and he knew this was the end. He could endure one strike from the spinning head, but with two strikes he’d be a goner. The head spun toward Miles and struck him. He flew away from the head, but it trailed behind him. Miles’s megashark wasn’t weakening the bony head and he knew he didn’t have the energy to last much longer.

  Miles was about to close his eyes, when he saw Asher fly towards him. As Asher flapped his wings, he aimed the megashark at the spinning head, “Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” Asher said quite confidently.